Village of Lindell

Village of Lindell Civic Association 3/13/2025 



VOL Civic Association

Zohar Laor  
Contact Zohar

Vice President:
Click to volunteer

Renee Hickman 
Contact Renee

Dave Rutter

General Email:



Community Garage Sale

Our next community garage sale
may be scheduled in the Spring 2025,
depending on interest






Village of Lindell Civic Association is in desperate need of a volunteer to assume the position of:


Please email to volunteer

We want to thank
Renee Hickman
for volunteering to fill the position of secretary!


Pets running loose and dogs barking

Pet Waste Management:

Several neighbors have brought up the issue of pet waste not being picked up and/or properly disposed of.

Why it Matters:

  • Dog waste can carry harmful bacteria and parasites that can be harmful to humans and other pets.
  • Keeping our public and private spaces clean and free of pet waste contributes to the overall beauty and appeal of our neighborhood (and our shoes!)
  • Shows respect for your fellow neighbors and contributes to the positive atmosphere of our neighborhood.


We have also received several complaints from neighbors regarding pets running loose and/or barking constantly.
The New Castle County ordinance states that pets must be leashed or kept within the owners property and not allowed to bark continuously.

This not only applies to dogs, but also cats. Residents have noticed an increasing number of roaming cats using their gardens/yards as 'litter boxes'.
Please respect your neighbors and keep your cats within your property!


It has been suggested that residents call Forgotten Cats (302-429-0124) for stray cats and Faithful Friends (302-427-8514) for stray dogs, as opposed to the SPCA.


Top Ten New Castle County Code Violations



We are still collecting dues for the 2024-2025 season.

VOL dues are only $25.00/year and, compared to other developments, are very reasonable. Most of the funds collected go toward snow removal.  
To ensure cleared streets and the safety our development, please do your part and pay your dues on time.


Dues are collected starting in September each year to ensure we have the funds available for the upcoming snow season.


Please make checks payable to:  VOL Civic Association


You can mail/drop off your dues at:


VOL Civic Association
2402 Saint Francis St
Wilmington, DE 19808




You can pay your dues online using Paypal by
clicking [ pay by Paypal ]

What is PayPal? CLICK HERE for info about PayPal

Village of Lindell Civic Association Dues

168 homes have paid their dues.


That's 76% participation!


53 homes have not paid.


Want to see if you already paid your dues?
Check out the record of dues paid for your address
(records from 2004 to current)
Select your street:
Then select your number:




Problems with street lights

The Village of Lindell's street lights belong to, and are serviced by Delmarva Power.

You can report an outage, or any other problem with a street light by going online to

Once on their website, click on "OUTAGES", then "Report a street light outage".

This will bring up a map and you can select the exact street lamp. You then select what the problem is.


Wild animal sightings

Many of our neighbors have reported fox sightings, which has caused concern about domestic animals being attached, children being attached and the spread of disease. Foxes are wild animals that are mainly active during dawn and dusk, but may also be active during the day. Do not try to pet, corner or catch a fox.

Here is some additional information:



Check out Nextdoor, a private social network for neighborhoods in the Pike Creek area.

Click here for information about Nextdoor

A Letter from Evergreen Waste Service

Here at Evergreen Waste Service we pride ourselves on taking care of our customers.


We are a local business and understand that our customers keep us in business. We appreciate you choosing us to service your neighborhood. We have been servicing your neighborhood for the last 4 years and look forward on consolidating the area and saving you money.


The benefit to choosing a local company is, first, our customer service. We live in Delaware and know where you live and what is going on locally. When you call us, we answer the phone and you’re not sent through an automated service.


The second benefit to choosing us is our service levels. We do EVERYTHING weekly on the same day. We pick up Trash, Recycling, Yard Waste and Bulk Items on the same day every week. We service your area every Tuesday. Trash and Recycling is free and Yard Waste is a few dollars more a month. With Recycling we have a 96 gal cart or a 40 gal bin for you to choose from. If you would rather use your own cart we have stickers you can put on the side indicating its recycling. You can pay for Yard Waste year round for $5 more a month or pay $1 per bag as you go. If you would like stickers for a yard waste cart we can provide them for you. We occasionally have carts for yard waste.


The Third reason on choosing us to service your neighborhood is our service model. We pick up everything with two trucks EVERY week. This saves wear on the roads and less carbon emissions in your neighborhood. Less noise and although we love trash we know not everyone likes to check out garbage trucks. So seeing less of them is better for most people.


We are are a local company and if there is anything you ever need feel free to call us. We do special pickups on Saturday and can provide you with roll off or commercial service at your business. We look forward to servicing your home and family. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you.


Our website


Renting your property?

Any owner of a residential property that is leased for rent is required to register their property with New Castle County. All rental property owners are required to update their registration information annually by May 1st.

Visit for more information, requirements, and forms.

Click to see Tim Sheldon's website


Top Ten New Castle County Code Violations




For more info check

VOL on Facebook


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( Last Modified on 10/16/2024 )

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