Village of Lindell

Village of Lindell Civic Association 12/21/2024 



VOL Civic Association

Zohar Laor  
Contact Zohar

Vice President:
Click to volunteer

Click to volunteer

Dave Rutter

General Email:


VOL Civic Association Dues


We are now collecting dues for the 2024-2025 season.

VOL dues are only $25.00/year and, compared to other developments, are very reasonable. Most of the funds collected go toward snow removal.  
To ensure cleared streets and the safety our development, please do your part and pay your dues on time.


Dues are collected starting in September each year to ensure we have the funds available for the upcoming snow season.


Please make checks payable to:  VOL Civic Association


You can mail/drop off your dues at:


VOL Civic Association
2402 Saint Francis St
Wilmington, DE 19808




You can pay your dues online using Paypal by
clicking [ pay by Paypal ]

What is PayPal? CLICK HERE for info about PayPal

Village of Lindell Civic Association Dues

133 homes have paid their dues.


That's 60% participation!


88 homes have not paid.


Want to see if you already paid your dues?
Check out the record of dues paid for your address
(records from 2004 to current)
Select your street:
Then select your number:





For more info check

VOL on Facebook


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( Last Modified on 10/16/2024 )

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